SMM News post from 260422 news

SMM News post from 260422 eng new


Congratulations to EAIM for being awarded 4 years Edutrust Certification Award for the 4th consecutive times.

I am pleased to inform that EAIM have attained the 4-year Edutrust certification for period 20th May 2022 to 19th May 2026.

I would like to thank each and every one of you and all departments for putting on months of tireless and meticulous efforts, especially the past one month, preparing for the On-site assessment.  The 4-year certification will not be possible without your conscientious effort to adhere to and review of all the processes and procedures and also meticulous documentation of minutes and evidences over the past 4 years.

 Special thanks also go to all our stakeholders including:

  • Our agents for their whole-hearted support in their recruitment efforts and compliance to CPE regulations,
  • Our full-time lecturers and freelance associate lecturers for your effort to ensure good learning outcomes consistently,
  • Both our internal and external process auditors for pointing out regularly, the gaps in compliance and in the misalignment of actual operations and stated processes, so that corrective actions can be taken on a timely and on-going basis,
  • Our honourable Academic and Examination Board members for spending precious time and your contributions at the quarterly AB and EB meetings for the past few years and also your time availing yourself at the on-site assessment.; and
  • Our University partners for their guidance in developing and maintaining effective quality assurance practices and academic staff capability development over the years.

 Having said that, we must not be lulled into complacency but continue to regularly review and adhere to all the processes and procedures and make a conscious effort to comply with all the regulations and minute all our meetings and activities.  This way, we can be assured that we will continue to have the 4-year Edutrust certification in 2026 and beyond.

 Once again, a big thank you and I am grateful for your continual contribution and support.


Dr. Andrew Chua
Principle & Executive Director
East Asia Institute of Management